Arbitrum BOLD Stats

Arbitrum BOLD Stats

Simple, public dashboard to track the status of Arbitrum's new dispute protocol - now on testnet



Challenge manager constants




Learn about how BOLD protects asset withdrawals from Arbitrum

BOLD, an acronym for Bounded Liquidity Delay Protocol, is an upgrade to Arbitrum's existing dispute protocol. Specifically, BOLD changes some of the rules used by validators to open and resolve disputes about Arbitrum's state to ensure only valid states get confirmed on an Arbitrum chain’s parent chain, such as Ethereum. The current dispute protocol has working fraud proofs and is used in production today by Arbitrum chains. The changes BOLD brings enables anyone to participate in the validation of the state of the chain and enhances security around withdrawals to L1.

Follow our instructions in the BOLD validator starter kit here

The BOLD protocol provides the guardrails and rules for how validators challenge claims about the state of an Arbitrum chain. Since Arbitrum’s state is deterministic, there will always be only 1 correct state for a given input of on-chain operations and transactions. The beauty of BOLD’s design guarantees that disputes will be resolved within a fixed time window, removing the risk of delay attacks and ultimately enabling anyone to bond their funds to and successfully defend that singular correct state of Arbitrum.

The constitutional AIP to upgrade Arbitrum One and Nova is now posted in the governance forums

Arbitrum is a technology suite designed to scale Ethereum. You can use Arbitrum chains to do all things you do on Ethereum — use Web3 apps, deploy smart contracts, etc., but your transactions will be cheaper and faster. Our flagship product — Arbitrum Rollup — is an Optimistic rollup protocol that inherits Ethereum-level security.

Coming soon

Learn about what's coming to Arbitrum

Stylus, BOLD, and many other technology are coming to make Arbitrum cheaper, safer, and better than ever